Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why relationships are necessary?

As you already know, you are pure energy in a physical form. You and I are one.

But why have you chosen to experience a physical body? Because a physical form is the only way for you to experience objectively who you really are. Objective experience requires others to relate to you. This leads to the need for relationships.

Relationships happen at the beginning of your life due to your choice. You decided on the setting for your life long before you entered it. You chose your family as the perfect vehicle, from which to experience what your soul needed. How you react to that family throughout life is then up to you. Even if you begin to hate that family, and blame them for all your problems, you will ultimately understand that you chose that family and why.

The safer you feel within that family, the greater will be your coping mechanism throughout your life. The more stress you felt within your early family environment, it is more likely you might be attracted to addiction in order to blot out that beginning. This of course, will lead to relationship problems and avoidance issues throughout life.